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Digital camera

  • Camera for telescope ToupCam GCMOS01200KPB
    15 274 RUB
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    Digital camera for telescope ToupCam GCMOS01200KPB for astrophotography and guiding.
    - Color sensor AR0130 with the size of the matrix 1/3“ (4.8 mm x 3.6 mm)
    - The pixel size of 3.75 x 3.75 µm
    - Exposure time of 0.4 MS -15 C
    - Frame rate – 28 fpc (1280x960) and 30 fpc (640x480)
    - The ratio signal/noise 44 dB
    - Support Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit), Mac OS, Linux, ASCOM
    Is the diameter of the eyepieces is 31.75 mm (1.25") threaded mount C-Mount
    - Complete cable USB2.0, cable guidance ST4 adapter for filters of 1.25", a CD-ROM with drivers and software