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Camera telescope Sturman 0.8 M

Internal code: 6641
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1,997 Р Last price: 1 997 RUB
Approx. 23 USD
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The main purpose of the telescope camera Sturman 0.8 M

Digital mini camera telescope Sturman 0.8 MP is a specialized instrument for observing celestial objects and broadcast the image on a computer monitor / laptop in the timekeeping mode. The device is mounted on the telescope with an eyepiece diameter of 1.25” (31.75 mm) and allows to obtain high-quality photos and video recording of various objects for playback and processing.

The main characteristics of the telescope camera Sturman 0.8 M

  • CMOS sensor (VGA)
  • The image size is 640 x 480 pixels
  • The size of the matrix x 3,64 4,86 mm
  • The ratio of signal to noise up to 45 dB
  • Dynamic range to 72 dB
  • USB 2.0 interface
  • Support systems: Windows 98 / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
  • Bore diameter of 1.25” (31.75 mm)
  • Powered via USB cable when connected to PC

Design features telescope camera Sturman 0.8 M

CMOS matrix is different from other MOS structures, less power consumption, higher image quality (comparable with the CCD matrix) and the integration of different processes in a single chip.

Camera telescope Sturman 0.8 M automatically adjust color and brightness, exposure, and white balance. The user can manually adjust a number of image parameters such as brightness, contrast, saturation and sharpness, adjust color and choose the desired colors. Photos are saved on your computer in BMP format or JPG.

Using the function "video recording" can be carried out current monitoring of objects of the star sky and to capture frames for later viewing, studying and processing.

To get started, and the image quality settings you must set the digital camera to the eyepiece of the telescope and connect to PC via USB 2.0 interface. In the section of programs to select the device - camera telescope Sturman 0.8 M. And set the image transmitted from the telescope to the PC (brightness, contrast, gamma, hue, saturation, and sharpness).

The camera lens with a diameter of 1.25” (31.75 mm) has an internal thread compatible with standard filters of 1.25".

To work camera no need to install drivers. Simply connect the camera and she's ready to work.

To capture we prefer SharpCap or FireCapture. Available under downloads

For processing (editing) of the obtained photographic and video images it is recommended to use special programs such as Registax.

All the necessary information about the accessories to the telescope you can get, call us by phone 8 (495) 989-10-56 or posting a question on the website of our online store.

Case material
aluminum alloy
Country of origin
Package dimensions, place 1 (mm)
110 × 85 × 65
Gross weight 1 (kg)